最近僕がアーティストと展示の内容の話をしていると妖怪的なものをテーマに提案してしまうのは、閉塞感漂う今の時代に人智の届かない妖怪の超常現象による現状からの一発逆転を狙わせようという作戦のひとつである。ひとつひとつの小さなドットからひとつの絵を作り上げる Momoの姿は、僕にはまるで写経を書き続ける修行僧なイメージを浮かび上がらせる。妖怪と修行僧のコラボレーション。 Momoにあやつられた妖怪たちはきっとこの世界を浄化してくれるに違いない。
Curator 米原康正
YOKAI are supernatural creatures in Japanese folklore, often depicted as mysterious, shape-shifting entities with supernatural powers.

Japanese people have tried to grasp unexplainable phenomena or entities beyond their common sense by labeling them as “YOKAI”. I believe that, because the unknown can be frightening, they attempted to accept these ambiguous entities by assigning names based on their characteristics—whether mysterious or comforting. Neither inherently good nor evil, neither right nor left, neither of this world nor the afterlife, the existence known as “YOKAI” might serve as a catalyst to restore balance in this world increasingly divided day by day.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Curator Mr. Yonehara, who provided the theme for this exhibition.
